Thursday, January 28, 2010

Science Update

For the oast couple of weeks since Christmas, we have been working with levers and ramos in science. We have discovered that there are three different classes for levers, depending on where the load, fulcrum and force are located. We've also dicsovered that when a car goes down a ramp with a person on top and the car stops suddenly, the momentum gets transfered to the person and they keep going. If the ramp gets to steep though, both the car and the person will just crash at the bottom.

By Karl

Computer Synopsis

Right now in computer class, we are playing the internet safety game called Carnegie Cyber Academy. This game helps you understand more about online bullying, spam mail, virus's and other computer dangers on the Internet. In this game, you have to complete certain tasks in Cyberspace. i.e. in oun area called the Mailing Center, you have to sort the good mail for the junk/spam email. After you complete each level, you earn credits. After you earn credits, you can go to the academy store and buy furniture and decorations for your room. When you get all 100% of a level in cybersoace, you advance to level 2. This game is a lot of fun and I think the whole middle school is enjoying playing it.
By Caleb

Thursday, January 21, 2010


In art we are doing Greek pottery pieces. We are making the plates by taking an already made plate and painting a scene from a Greek myth on it. Once  the pieces are done, we will write a paragraph about our Greek myth. The greatest thing about this art project is that we get to make a connection to Percy Jackson from the book "The Lightening Thief".

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Washington Trip

The Wasington trip will be on March 23-25 2010. The next $100.00 deposit is due on 2/16/10 and the last is on $75.00 deposit is due on 3/17/10.
We are about to get up and running. Check back with us next week. We hope to be here.